Prepping for your upcoming senior session:

Here are some helpful tips & tricks on how to prepare you for your Senior Photoshoot.

 For those who like the quick tips:

–Choose 2-3 outfits that fit who you are & reflects your style and personality.

–Location is key! Find somewhere unique and gives some life to the photo. (downtown buildings, bridges, parks, water…)

–Do your own hair and make or schedule an appointment with a professional stylist.

–Bring some props and accessories that reflect you, your hobbies and/or interests.

–Practice some different poses and know your angles before hand.

–Get a good night’s rest and stay fueled and hydrated.

–Relax, have fun and be YOU during the shoot.

Rest and Relaxation: Mind, body and soul! First and most importantly is to make sure that you gets a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling well-rested. A relaxed and well rested person will result in more natural and joyful photos.

Snacks and Drinks: Bring along some water and light snacks. Posing can make you hungry! This will help keep you energized and in a happy mood.

Props and Personal Items: Props and personal items can add a unique touch to the photo! If you have meaningful props or items that represent you, bring them along to the shoot! It could be a trophy or item from a sport you play, a musical instrument, your car or even a family pet!

Be Punctual: The early bird gets the worm! Arrive a little early (5-10 mins) to the photo shoot location. This allows for a smooth start time and allows some time to make any adjusts prior to the shoot.

Posing: Posing isn’t something that comes natural to most people. But we all know our best angles. I will help coach you through some posing with prompts and direction. But prior to the shoot check out some ideas on my Pinterest board and try them out!

Bring a Change of Clothes: Life can be…well, unpredictable. Sometimes accidents happens. Having a change of clothes can help in emergency cases or incase something happens to the current outfit (rips, tears, dirt, spills…etc).

Hair and Makeup: No need to be the next Gigi Hadid! You can consider having your hair and makeup done before the shoot either professionally or by yourself. Having styled hair and a little bit of makeup can add a polished look your photographs. It may also boost your confidence. But there is NO NEED to over do it. Be you, be natural, be authentic. 

Weather Conditions & location: Learn to dance in the rain! If your family loves to play in the rain this could be a chance to have a fun rain session! When shooting outdoors, keep an eye on the weather forecast. PA weather is especially tricky in the fall and winter months. We can always schedule another session in the near future indoors. Location is key too! We want it to reflect YOU. We can look at some different places around the city or town you live in that reflect you.

Relax, Be in the Moment and Have Fun: Be in the moment and enjoy it! Senior photo shoots are an opportunity to capture your unique personality and style. Relax, smile, be YOU and let the photographer do the rest!